12 events found.
New Hampshire State Shoot
Minute Man Sportsmen's Club 56R Francis Wyman Road, Burlington, MALee “Big 50”
Lee Sportsmen's Association 565 Fairview Street, Lee, MAThe 123rd Grand American World Trapshooting Championships
World Shooting Recreational Complex 1 Natural Resources Way, Springfield, ILMemorial Shoot
North Leominster Rod & Gun Club 1501 Lancaster Avenue, Lunenbug, MA, United StatesLee “Big 50”
Lee Sportsmen's Association 565 Fairview Street, Lee, MALee “Big 50”
Lee Sportsmen's Association 565 Fairview Street, Lee, MASwallow Hill Shoot
Fitchburg Rod & Gun Club 985 Richardson Road, Ashby, MALee “Big 50”
Lee Sportsmen's Association 565 Fairview Street, Lee, MANight Shoot
Royalston Fish & Game Club 49 Main Street, Phillipston, MAAll 3 events available, as long as we have 3 shooters per event. (Singles, Handicap, & Doubles). Bring all your fellow shooters. Fields available for practice and public shooters as well. No prizes or options, just Fun. Click Here for the Shoot Program.